Ingrown Hairs and Uneven Skin Tone

Middle-aged woman with coarse, curly hair in unwanted areas and ingrown hairs, resulting in uneven skin tone.
What cosmetic procedure(s) do you think produced this clinical outcome?
call the office at (718) 965-1116 to inquire and/or make an appointment
*patient subject has given consent*
Dr. Holder’s Comments
Answer: Laser Hair Reduction, Fraxel Restore Laser, Chemical Peels, medical treatment
This condition(s) is often seen in people of African ancestry or any ethnicity with coarse curly hair. The root of the cause here is the hair shaft curling under the skin, causing ingrown hairs. I have often seen a strong association with polycystic ovary disease (PCOD). Multiple treatments were necessary to achieve this life-changing outcome. Laser Hair Reduction, chemical peels, Fraxel Laser, and medical intervention was paramount. This is an extreme case of how cosmetic dermatology can change lives.