CoolSculpting is the world’s #1 non-invasive fat reduction treatment. Millions of treatments have been performed world-wide, and the treatment is 100% FDA-cleared, safe, and effective.
At Park Slope Dermatology and MediSpa, we integrate our in-house sauna into the aftercare regimen following CoolSculpting sessions to heighten your experience and further stimulate the fat cells.
Additionally, work directly with local dermatologist Dr. Brigitte Holder by taking the scientific approach to integrate local nutrition and fitness experts in treating fat reduction with CoolSculpting. Experience the holistic treatment from a supportive network of doctors and practitioners to achieve a lasting outcome and a new you!
After your treatment, enjoy a healthy lunch in our patient community healing garden, an extension of our medi-spa.
Even three weeks after, I just took the best picture of me in ages. I could not believe it, I was just looking at my smile and my face as it should be!
Folks, I have had my dad’s double chin since I was 5. Even with a healthy lifestyle, healthy weight and exercise, there it was ruining photos and aging me.
Well, just THREE weeks later, (three more to go) I took the best picture I have EVER. I saw the results.
They take such great care of you, they listen, they laugh, they don’t judge or upsell, they just want you comfy in their office and in your own skin.
I had to come back to let anyone who is considering cool sculpt, that I am over the moon with the results.
— Eva Radke