Patients often refer to dermatosis papulosa nigra, or DPNs, as “warts,” which is a misnomer. DPNs are a variant of benign growths called seborrheic keratoses. These brown or black raised dark spots usually appear on the cheeks and can be very distressing in people of African descent, including African-Americans, Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Caribbean Americans, and Afro-Latinos. In her many years of experience, Dr. Holder has also seen this condition in South Asian, East Asian, and Southeast Asian populations. Studies have shown that there is a genetic link to the paternal grandmother for DPNs. Dr. Holder uses cosmetic therapy to eradicate these lesions.
I was seen by Dr. Holder for DPN removal. She was quick, efficient, and all the moles were completely removed. I was able to go to work the following day with light foundation. Five years later, the moles did not recur.
Due to the pandemic and proximity to my home, I decided to go to a local dermatologist in New Jersey. The first visit, the procedure was done by a physician assistant with poor results. I insisted on returning to be seen by the dermatologist. He used a different approach with the same poor results. Three years later, I’m left with scarring, hyperpigmentation, and regrowth of the DPN.
It was worth the trip going to Brooklyn from New Jersey to see Dr. Holder as she understands skin of people of color.
— Dr. Chin